
The Signal Watch Policy!

Keep It on the Sunny Side

The primary function of this site is the discussion of funnybooks, media, pop culture and entertainment. It doesn't mean we won't talk about media that may have weightier issues, but we're not here to prove how smart we are by participating in the internet's favorite sport: nitpick because its easy.

That doesn't mean we won't talk about likes and dislikes, but we're here for fun and to encourage fun.  We want to post more about good things, things we can recommend, fun things, the wacky and the awesome, and less complaining.


All comments will be moderated for content.  This site is not a public forum.  It's a personal journal that has an area for commenting.  We reserve the right to manage comments as needed.

Behaviors that will get your comments booted:
  1. Personal or ad hominem attacks on another commenter, a regular commenter, or anyone associated with the blog
  2. Overzealous use of profanity
  3. Comments that may be considered unintentionally hurtful to other users will be removed and brought to the attention of the party leaving the comment
  4. Comments which directly attack the personal, religious or other beliefs of a user (this does not include debate regarding political issues.  The blog owner will retain the right to decide what is fair and balanced).
  5. Excessive and abusive commenting by anonymous parties
  6. Spambots not welcome
When Commenting:

  1. Read the actual column and what I actually said. 
  2. Identify yourself
  3. We don't mind disagreement, and perceptions are going to vary on any given subject.  But as you decide to comment, we do ask that you begin from a position of courtesy and good faith.  
  4. Consider how much time you want to really put into this.  We assure you, we want to put less time into a lengthy thread wherein it is attempted to prove "someone is wrong on the internet" (ie: me).  As you return for your fourth or fifth round of explaining why I am wrong - think about whether this is really worth it - because I assure you, we're certain it is not.  

You may address any issue re: comments with the blog owner at any time, via email.

Reviewing materials provided by a marketing or media company at no cost

The blog owner:
  1. will accept materials for review, provided to him for the purpose of review.  Media companies may reach us under the contact tab.
  2. is under no obligation to provide a positive review of items provided to him for review.

Discussing Music

Hey, we all like music, and clearly have better taste than some other jerk.  We may have discussed music in the past, but that era has ended.  For more on this topic, click here.