Thursday, January 23, 2020

When You Send Stuart a Picture of Your New Superman Toy

So there's a new line of DC toys sculpted by McFarlane Toys.  I was pretty excited to see them offered, and just got the Animated Series figure.  So, who cares about this?  (a quick polling of my house says zero Jamie's and Scout's are interested).  Stuart!  So I sent him a picture, and a few minutes later, the responses started rolling in.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Noir Watch: The Big Night (1951)

Watched:  01/20/2020
Format:  Noir Alley on TCM on DVR
Viewing:  First
Decade:  1950's

A movie full of interesting ideas and what I'd give a solid B- for execution, The Big Night (1951) follows a sweet kid as he spends a long night trying to get back at the man who humiliated and beat his father in front of a crowd of people.

On his 16th birthday and believing himself to be entering the world of manhood, Georgie LaMain returns home to his father's Bar & Grill where he's met with a small, sad party made up by the tavern dwellers.  Moments after the candles are blown out on his cake - with little explanation - local sports writer Al Judge enters the place and orders Georgie's father from behind the bar and to remover his shirt.  He then beats him mercilessly with a cane and takes his leave.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

PodCast: "1917" (2019) - SimonUK and Ryan in one long take!

SimonUK and Ryan ponder the atrocities of WWI via the 2019 critical darling and single-shot technical exercise, "1917". As accolades pile up, our two heroes must traverse a conversation across enemy lines and ponder what a war movie means and looks like in 2020.

1917 - Thomas Newman, 1917 OST

SimonUK Playlist:

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Happy Birthday, Dolly Parton

Here, playing Jolene in 1973

And, in 2019, playing with The Highwomen (check out that Highwomen album, btw.)