Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Happy Birthday, Manfred! (The Red Baron)

Today is the 120th birthday of Manfred von Richthofen.

AKA:  The Red Baron

No, that dude does not look German at all.

von Richthofen is known to my generation primarily through frozen pizza marketing and as the cad who shoots down Snoopy, WWI Flying Ace.*  But real he was (and without the handsome mustache attributed to him by the pizza box artists).

The Red Baron had a reported 80 victories in the skies over Europe, many in his Fokker Dr.I, the crimson tri-wing you absolutely cannot believe someone had the guts to fly in any combat conditions whatsoever.  During WWI, air combat retained some semblance of gentlemanly chivalry as understood in Europe, with pilots following certain rules of engagement and a vague sense of knightly honor, even as they ambushed one another relentlessly from cloud cover or diving in with the sun at their backs to ensure a tactical advantage.

Apparently its not apocryphal that von Richtofen collected silver mugs with the date and location of his various victories inscribed upon them, of which he had about 60 when Germany ran out of silver.

The Red Baron was, of course, fighting on the side of the Germans in what became truly horrific combat on the ground as trench warfare led to the introduction of new tactics, including gas warfare.  Perhaps because of the near certainty of death in aerial combat (it was sort of a question of "when" more than "if" your number would get punched), the 80 victories and surviving one disaster did not deter The Baron, who turned down a cushy desk job, recognizing that other wounded German soldiers would also be returning to the front lines.

The circumstances of von Richthofen's death are somewhat puzzled over, as its possible he went down from enemy fire from the air or from the ground, but when he finally did go down in 1918, the British treated his burial with the utmost respect.  Perhaps not a hero, but certainly a respected opponent.  His remains were later reinterred in Berlin.

*there's a whole song about Snoopy vs. von Richthofen.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

My One Concern About The Avengers Trailer, Birthday Presents, Get Superman a Star

On the Avengers Trailers:

Captain America:  "Big man with a suit of armor.  Take that away, what are you?"
Iron Man:  "Genius, billionaire, playboy philanthropist..."
cut to:  (in trailer 1):  Thor laughing knowingly at the humiliated Cap
cut to:  (in new TV trailer):  shrug from the sexy girl agreeing with Iron Man
implied:  the sad trombone

Marvel may not know it, but it seems they're setting up their Cap to become the insta-square that DC accidentally made of Superman back in 1986 and which, 26 years later, they've never recovered from.   By setting up our pal Cap as The Bad Guy In the Dorky Outfit picking on The Guy We All Related To a Few Summers Back,  its more than possible they're sinking one of their own flagship guys, all before the movie is released.

Sure, the exchange is intended to sell us on the crazy dynamics of the characters that we'll see if we give our local cinema $10, but the whole exchange feels out of character for Cap, including the Cap from last summer's movie (the whole point of which was - he's generally better than that).  Yes, we need a "clashing team", but...  you're losing me a little here, Marvel/ Studio/ Joss.  That exchange is supposed to be the response the drunk on power/ charming Stark gives to the stuffed suit SHIELD Agent, not the guy who just got unthawed after saving the Free World.

I'm a Cap fan. Don't make me regret your movie.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Happy Birthday to Jamie

Jamie gets lost in the wilds of Austin

Jamie won't be getting much of a present this year as she was in on the purchase of her present already: the purchase of a pair of tickets to see the Chicago Cubs play in Chicago this summer (v. The Astros).  We're giving the trip to one another in lieu of Christmas and birthday gifts.  We don't get to travel just the two of us all that often.

Tonight, we'll be going out for a dinner at one of Jamie's favorite places, and I hope the weather holds out and we can enjoy a great spring evening.  Then, of course, Mad Men premieres, as a special gift cooked up between me and AMC.

We've had a fantastic year this year, and I look forward to coming around the bend on birthdays next year and knowing that year will have been a good one, too.  But, you know, we get along.  Years with Jamie are usually pretty great.

Happy birthday, Jamie.  I love you.

You guys have no idea how much red wine I had consumed by the time this picture was taken

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy B-Day to My Brother

Today is Jason's 39th Birthday.  Holy cow, we are getting old.  It seems like just yesterday 13-year-old Jason was beating the crap out of me for eating his Easter candy.

Time marches on.  We resolve our differences these days with far less pummeling, carefully laid traps, and mutually assured destruction.

This year Jason is spending his B-Day with AmyD, seeing some touristy stuff and catching up with some old pals in Houston.  I think his 39th year will likely be one of the best yet.

And, yes, I did get Jason a couple of presents and bought him a lovely dinner, so there.
our birthday boy

The boy has been cursed with a Leprechaun Day birthday, so his actual B-Day is often quite compromised, as it ALSO always falls during SXSW.

But that doesn't mean you shouldn't go out and enjoy some St. Patrick's Day fun.  You know, if you can find a Bennigan's that's open or whatever.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Happy Belated Birthday, AmyD

Amy is the one on the right
Happy B-Day, AmyD.  I was in Lubbock, so I did not call, so, hey: blog post!

AmyD is the very special ladyfriend of my brother.  She's a renaissance woman: law student, future librarian, chef, gourmand, juggalo.

She's a heck of a dame, and we're glad to have her on Team Steans.  I hope she was showered with gifts on her birthday, because I totally have not bought her one yet, and I'm hoping she's too busy with her other gifts to notice.

Thanks for putting up with my brother, and all of us.

Merry Birthday.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Happy Birthday, JimD

edit.  Oh, hell.  Apparently tomorrow is Jim's birthday.  Just consider this an early present on Jim's B-Day Eve

we don't do birthdays around here much anymore.  But it's Jim D's B-Day, and I remembered.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Dames to Watch Out For: Today is Jennifer Connelly's Birthday

which gives me an excuse to post a picture of Jennifer Connelly.

along with some dude's 'stache
Ah, Ms. Connelly.

Unlike a lot of her contemporaries, Connelly never really became part of a Brat Pack or became known in the sort of faddish way many actresses get used up and spit out, only to wind up on absolutely terrible Lifetime and Hallmark Channel holiday movies.  Which I've been watching again, and they are awesome.

Connelly was a child actress, showing up in Sergio Leone's Once Upon a Time in America as the 12-year-old Deborah, but I remember her as the girl from Labyrinth that I was crushing on and who was pursued by David Bowie and Muppets.  Of course later she wound up as Bettie Page stand-in Jenny in The Rocketeer, which is worth watching just for Connelly in a cocktail dress.

She's gone on to all sorts of work, and has carved out an interesting career for herself while not melting down in public, but managing to mostly appear in movies I just never see.  I think the last of her movies I saw was the iffy remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still.

Still, my hat is off to Connelly, because, dang, yo.  You keep being you, Ms. Connelly.

ah, heck.  here's Ms. Connelly in that cocktail dress.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Happy Birthday to The Dug


Today is the birthday of The Dug, brother of League-wife, Jamie.

I'm sure today is important for other reasons, too
Happy B-Day, Dug.  I won't reveal how old you are, even if I get punched in the stomach forty times.  Why, if forty angry badgers were biting my shins, I'd never say how old you'd become.  For forty days and forty nights I could resist questioning that would reveal your true age.

Happy B-Day, Dug.  May it be contain the fun of 40 Nukies.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Happy Birthday, Gloria Grahame

We've talked Ms. Grahame before.  Today is her birthday.  Happy B-Day to you, wherever you are.

Grahame born in 1923 and passed in 1981 at the all-too young age of 57.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Brooksie's Belated Birthday

A belated birthday to Ms. Louise Brooks, who shares a birthday with Veronica Lake, yesterday, November 14th.  Brooksie would have been 105.