Watched: 05/19/2024
Format: 4K
Viewing: Unknown
Director: Brian DePalma
When I was 12, it was, for reasons lost to time, very important for me to see The Untouchables (1987). Something about the trailers must have set me off. But I had also, in 1986, sat through the entirety of the Geraldo Rivera debacle, The Mystery of Al Capone's Vault. And while we all sat there in real time watching Geraldo Rivera show his whole ass to the world by famously finding nothing,* they filled that time with biographical and historical info on Capone and the 1920's mob scene in Chicago. So it's possible Geraldo had no small part in why I wanted to see this movie.
My excitement was such that I bought one of those movies magazines (that you can still get at Walgreen's) with "behind the scenes" material and lots of glossy promo pictures and whatnot. But, this one was not just filler - they actually got into the actual history of Capone and his cohorts, many of whom have unnamed parts in the movie. I also learned, hey, there had been a popular TV series of the same name back in 1959-1963.
When the movie arrived, I was 12 and had no idea who Brian DePalma was. Or Ennio Morricone. And certainly not David F'ing Mamet. Thanks to a dad who was a Bond guy, I was versed in Sean Connery. And I knew Costner from Silverado, certainly. But unless it was Harrison Ford, I don't think I was yet watching movies to see anyone in particular.
What I remember from seeing the movie the first time includes